Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Classic Live Your Life Post

Do you ever think about how wonderful it is to live?  Life can be screwed up and awful, yes.  Sometimes your life can just down right suck.  You are over in your corner hating life while others love their life.  But think about it, really think about how amazing it is to live.  How amazing that you even exist at all.  Everything exists for at least a second, sometimes not even a second.  Yet we, as humans, are here longer than a second.  We are here for years!  But remember how easily those years can be taken away from you.  Its so easy to forget that one day, you could say goodbye to your little sister and she not come home because someone shot her at her school.  Your grandmother could never come home to see your new artwork because she had a heart attack.  Maybe it seems crazy and insane to even think about the possibility of death, but it is real.  So does that change how you think about your life?  Do you realize how many days we waste by worrying over the littlest things, crying over things that don't matter, or just being unhappy?  Um, let me tell you, that is A LOT of days.  Maybe not for you, but I know I have done it.  I know this is such a classic "live your life to fullest every single day" but I would really like my readers to hear me out.  I don't just mean you should live your life to the fullest, which you totally should, but you should also be grateful for it.  So many people never get that chance of being here.  Too many people die young whether it be because of health or tragic accident or a planned early death...but I want you to think about just how amazing your body is too!

Think about your heart.  Have you ever been in a classroom and all of sudden you just can't breath?  Your heart just won't stop beating, yeah its a little scary & troublesome but still, your heart is beating.  Its alive.  Which is so much more than others have sometimes.  The sound of that guitar that plays way too loud in your ear-buds, the embrace of a hug from a protective friend, the smell of cookies, the laughter of your parents, and so much more are just wonderful examples of life.  You are here on this Earth right now this very minute with good and bad moments where you will cry your eyes out, turn as red as a rose from embarrassment, you pee your pants from laughing too much, have the awful feeling of the flu, and live your life most importantly.  So let your heart beat crazy after a run, let your tears come out from joy or sadness, scream when your favorite TV actors kiss, throw something when your favorite book characters die, laugh until you feel the pain in your stomach, and LIVE.  Because although you can live for years, it can be taken easily because life can be pretty screwed up...but it doesn't have to be if you don't make it.

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day.
