Saturday, September 19, 2015

Ephesians 2:10

I want you to think about who you are. Things such as who your parents are, where you live, your likes, your dislikes, even your pet. Many of those things make you who you are, well maybe my cat doesn't make me who I am but you get the picture. Change one of those factors, say you didn't live where you live now. Example, you live in a small town in the southern part of Georgia instead you live in the big city of New York. That would make you very different wouldn't it? Now change something even bigger, say your Mom married another man. You might not even be here on this Earth right now. If you were, you would most likely be with another family entirely.

I'm not sure about you but I think that is pretty awesome and here is why. You take all these factors into account that make you who you are and its pretty astonishing that you are even here right now reading my blog. One little thing, such as your pet, and you could be a totally different person. A lot of people tell me how much they hate their family or how much they hate their town or how much they hate themselves even. Its really sad to me that a lot of my friends do not like themselves. But here's what I think, you are you for a reason. You have your family for a reason. You live where you live for a reason. I believe every single person on this Earth is here for a reason. As Ephesians 2: 10 says, "For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." God has a plan for you and a good plan too, check out Jeremiah 29: 11 if you do not believe me.

I understand not everyone has a great family or lives in a great town. I won't say it sucks and I know how you feel because I really don't. (If you would like to talk about it, I am willing to listen always) But you are put where you are for a reason, for a purpose. I don't know what that purpose is, but you will figure it out at some point. Just realize, you are here for such a bigger purpose than just taking up the Oxygen and letting out Carbon Dioxide for the plants. No, you have a purpose.

Thank you for reading and have a blessed day.


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