Friday, September 18, 2015

Remember the Titans

As I sat back in my chair this evening and watched Remember the Titans, for maybe the thousandth time, I began to think about the meaning behind the movie like I usually do. The first time I saw this movie I just couldn't understand why someone could dislike another for their skin color. I used to really hate the adults in the movie because they were so mean to the African Americans and even their own sons when the boys tried making a difference in the world. But see, I was not brought up that way. I don't believe in disliking someone based off their looks. These people in that day and age were brought up differently and taught different things than I was. The adults in the movie eventually come around, most of them anyway, and if they didn't they could just be upset by themselves while the rest of the world worked at making a difference. Change is a scary thing and it isn't easy, I know because I've had to change my living arrangements 8 times in my life, therefore as I watched this movie again tonight I couldn't hold it against them. Because I know most of them thankfully did change.

The world is not a perfect place though today. Is there still racism? YES. It's almost sad that there still is but I don't believe there will be a day when there isn't racism. As long as one racist human being is still alive, racism will be here on this Earth. (Although, I still pray there will one day not be.)

Anyway, I love this movie. If you have not seen it, I highly recommend it. There are many good movies out there about the Civil Rights Movement. But this movie is one of the better ones, if you ask me. I am not a big fan of football, I grew up having to watch it with my family and slowly learning the rules. I just do not care for the game, the only ones I really get excited for is soccer. If I, a person who didn't understand the rules of the game for the longest time, will cheer for this team then its been done pretty good. It's an emotional movie that is based off a true story that really tugs at your heart. Even though I know the ending, I will not spoil it for anyone who hasn't watched it, I still cry every time. I still cheer and yell and get so excited too.

This is a lot to take in, I am just glad you've read this far, but the biggest thing I want to share tonight is that color doesn't matter. As I said earlier, racism will always be here and I am sure most people would agree with me that there shouldn't be racism because they weren't raised that way. But I want you to know, you can do anything you set your mind to no matter who or where or what color you are. Just as these teen boys, that at first thought the only thing they had in common was football, you can make a difference. Even if its just with one person, you have forever changed some one's life. Which will change another person's life, and that person will change another, and that person will change another, and so forth. Go out into the world and make a difference, leave your footprint right here.

"Nah nah nah. Hey Hey Hey. Goodbye." Thank you for reading and have a blessed day.


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